We are proud to announce our signature program, Crosse R.O.O.T.S. will begin May 24, 2022— a six-week program on Tuesdays and Thursdays for seventh graders that will support them in their athletic, academic and personal growth until they graduate high school. The program is accepting 20 boys and 20 girls through an application and cohort based design, and it is totally free of application and registration costs.
13 year olds are most at risk to stop playing sports, with 70% of youth quitting by that age. Detroit United wants to encourage athletic growth for this age group by providing a space for them to get high quality training paired with academic and personal enrichment opportunities to help them succeed in all aspects of life.
Crosse R.O.O.T.S. — standing for Respect for Others, Officials, Teammates and Self — is a 25% lacrosse training, 75% life skills program. Applicants will receive six years of mentoring and support through this program, and they will be exposed to an encouraging and developmental environment that fosters leadership skills, high self-esteem, curiosity and learning on and off the field.
First years will experience programing surrounding the theme of Foundations for Success. In the classroom, there will be lessons provided by Detroit-based professionals and guest speakers in our space at the Durfee Innovation Society. Dinner will be provided afterwards, and following that, the kids will receive high quality lacrosse training provided by Detroit United’s trained, USA Lacrosse certified coaches.